The Center for Mobile Machinery (CMM) is an interdisciplinary association of university institutes and businesses for pre-competitive research and testing of key technologies in the field of mobile machinery.
In the future, construction and agricultural machines will work autonomously and will be interconnected. New software solutions and automation processes change the way in which humans and machines interact and lead to optimal capacity utilization and increased productivity. In addition, efficient drive technology and flexibly configurable design reduce usage costs and are environ-mentally friendly. This vision allows for current challenges owing to continuously increasing demand for food and tilling and cultivating of fields, ongoing urbanization and construction projects arising from this, as well as increasingly strict legal conditions pertaining to environmental protection and workload. To overcome these challenges, a holistic approach and optimization of all actors and processes involved in value creation are required. Continuously progressing digitalization and the fusion of the real and virtual worlds as so-called cyber-physical systems offer great potential to this end, while at the same time demanding fundamental adjustment of the entire industry. For this reason, the Center for Mobile Machinery aims to develop and test holistically key technologies required in the future for mobile machinery.
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The Center considers itself a trailblazer for the use of cutting-edge key technologies in the field of mobile machinery. Cooperating with RWTH Aachen University scientists and businesses, innovative solutions are being developed jointly and researched at the pre-competitive stage. In addition to this, the center supports members in identifying sources of funding, drafting proposals and executing projects.
At regular workshops, a common technology and research roadmap is developed for the center and future technology trends in the field of mobile machinery are addressed. This way, enrolled businesses become aware of upcoming technological shifts at an early stage, apply external expertise to their own innovation process and can plan their strategic focus systematically. For this purpose, the center offers bilateral strategy meetings with the aim of developing individual corporate strategies which are in accordance to the respective product structure. This ensures long-term competitiveness of all center members.
The Center for Mobile Machinery provides enrolled businesses with unique framework conditions for holistic development and testing of mobile machinery and related processes. The infrastructure in place ranges from state-of-the-art test benches for the investigation of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and thermodynamic components to a 1 MW dynamometer for testing of complete drive systems. As it is located in close proximity to the Aldenhoven Testing Center, a modern test center is available where already today innovative automation solutions can be tested.
Integrating development and research the center promotes networking and cooperation of industry and science. Enrolled businesses can participate in determining relevant technology issues and key research areas, debate current problems and identify new cooperation partners. In addition, all members have access to the RWTH Aachen Campus network to discover synergies across different applications and establish new business relationships.
The membership of the Center for Mobile Machinery increases visibility of the businesses at RWTH Aachen University, which supports the businesses in recruiting skilled staff and managers. In addition, members have access to a wide range of further education programs, ensuring transfer of most recent scientific findings to the staff of the respective companies. This allows to meet the future need for staff and skillsets an to strengthen the innovative capacities of the members of the center.